On the way πŸš‚ home for Christmas πŸŽ„…

Norbert sitting in a christmas train

… in a winter wonderland β„πŸ˜Šand now it’s Christmas time, time for the family πŸ₯° and time to “recharge batteries” πŸ”‹πŸ”Œ for a challenging year 2023. As you know, we just started our new shipyard project and we are also starting a new construction project β›΅ in January that will be a…. surprise😊

So, we wish you all, our partners, friends, clients and followers a “Merry Christmas” πŸŽ„πŸŽ…, delicious food, good health and a “Happy New Year!” πŸŽ‰

May all your dreams come true in 2023!

Norbert and Marion

Winterwonderland around a street
Norbert and Marion sailing on IY Open60AAL Innovation Yachts


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Construction of Innovation Yachts Shipyard + Merry Christmas + Happy New Year

Dear followers,

First of all, we would like to wish you a β€˜Merry Christmas πŸŽ„ and a very Happy New Year πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡β€™! We hope you are not

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