The JEC Composite exhibition in Paris….
is changing and slowly but surely becoming more and more sustainable. Big changes take time, but Marion already seems very happy under the “balsa tree”
is changing and slowly but surely becoming more and more sustainable. Big changes take time, but Marion already seems very happy under the “balsa tree”
… that Innovation Yachts got the cover of the Composites World magazine! This article is a proper explanation what we are doing😊. From our point
It’s true that we haven’t posted 🙊 anything for a while now….because we’re very busy with the 🏗️construction 🏗️of our new workshop, ⛵VOLCAT 16 ⛵series
And now the finishing works on the façade and the preparation for concreting the floor plate begin. We are very pleased 😁that, thanks to committed
And we are 😁 very happy 📣 to pronounce that our partner bto-epoxy is now ready with the development of the next resin-generation using BIO-sources
We are delighted with the progress we are making according to plan 🏗️, a finished skylight dome at our new shipyard location, and are plunging
Thank you for all the 😁 great conversations, 📣 presentations and discussions with 🤝followers, public, other companies and water sports enthusiasts!🤝 It was a great
… and therefore, there are only 3 more days on boot Düsseldorf 2024. We are very happy about the positive feedback and the visit of
… and therefore, we are 😁very happy 😁 about the way how people accept our ⛵Volcat 16 ⛵development. 👏Many thanks to our team and our
The boot in Düsseldorf opens its doors tomorrow at 10.00am! We hope to meet many visitors who are interested in sustainability on our booth Or