Back in time 2: September 2009 🕰

Bobin of volcanic fibre staning in laboratory environment

… should become another turning point 🧭 in my “nautical life”. After a successful Vendée Globe ⛵🌍 roadshow 🎥🎙 start in Vienna I started touring through the provinces. During one of my events, I met the owner of an Austrian fibre production company who happily announced that he has developed a new type of stone fibre 🌋🪨. “Great, super,” I answered “then let’s build a yacht ⛵ out of it.” “Yes, that’s what we should do!” was his replay. 😊

Just a few days later the parcel service 📦 delivered the first fibre roll and we immediately started laboratory work to test the use of this fibre for nautical applications.

Project FIPOFIX was born.

Volcanic fibre bobbins


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Marion sitting next to her improvised office table in the big shipyard

It’s done! ✅💪🤩

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